Kathleen Costello

Following a hip replacement, Kathleen sought to return to her husband, who lives with Parkinson’s disease, as soon as possible.

When Kathleen Costello lost her balance and fell this summer, she sustained a hip fracture that required surgery. This posed a substantial challenge for Kathleen, who cares for her spouse, who lives with Parkinson’s disease. She also enjoys walking her dog each day.

Kathleen and her family wanted her to return home as quickly as possible. So, with her family as strong advocates to get her the proper level of care for the best outcome, Kathleen admitted to Central California Rehabilitation Hospital (BRH). At BRH, Kathleen worked closely with physical therapy and occupational therapy toward her goals of regaining strength, endurance, and coordination.

Each day, Kathleen made gains in her recovery. The support of the BRH staff, as well as her family, who kept her updated on her spouse, kept Kathleen motivated and focused. Finally, after a week at BRH, Kathleen made enough progress to safely return home to her spouse and canine companion. “I can’t wait to go home to start walking my dog again!” Kathleen said with a grin.

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